Friday, 12 June 2015

PE Final

1) Participation-In PE 9 I always remembered my gym strip and have changed into it, and made it to class on time, as well as made sure communicated about my absences. No matter fitness or choice I made a point to be sweating or red faced, I know that if I'm giving my all it will hopefully motivate and inspire my peers to do so as well as it makes games more fun, even fitness days. On choice days I am very fortunate that my friends have such similar interests to me that we can do the same activities and I feel that since we are so comfortable with each other [we are constantly laughing, having fun sometimes dancing or running around] that it makes the set up and playing of choice games a little less awkward and helps others to feel welcome. I am a very competitive person, so I am constantly pushing myself to be better get in that extra rep, make that basket for my team, I am very lucky I am well co-ordinated and even in sports I am not that good at like soccer I still try my best. One of my goals for all of 2015 was to be present, now when it comes to PE I like to pace myself in any activity like what we focus on in basketball one steady constant pace for the entire practice maintaining that so I try to follow that through in PE stay present focused and reap the benefits.Because although 80 minutes of PE 2-3 times a week is minimal compared to my training schedule every minute counts and I have and make the choice to let it benefit me by trying my best for that day.

2) Social Responsibility and Contribution to the Class- PE is one of my favorite blocks because as much as it is self powered you also have a whole other level of social responsibility. Now before the teachers get in the gym and we get down to the grind us kids play around while we wait. Not only has my soccer skills improved like stealing the ball[thanks Steven and Natan]I have also been benefited with developing some of my basketball skills in the small shoot around every man for them self basketball games I play with the guys, like shooting under pressure, boxing out really big guys and stealing the ball. When it comes to choice student led games my squad likes to play handball and when it comes to organizing the guys are really chill, so I take it upon me to recruit people to get equipment, organize teams, score keep, anything I can do to make things run smoother. Even in our class led games I am helping get organized, get equipment. Now one of my favorite things to do is to be the cheerleader for my peers, whether its fitness and they are running laps or choice and they scored a basket I try to make a big deal, cheer them on, make them feel special and motivated. I love seeing a smile come across their face, watch them run harder, try more all that its what makes PE fun for me. I also try not to be the ball hog or just pass to friends I know how scary and upsetting it can be to play a game and have them not include you, or just stay in their little groups so including everyone is something I always try to do, whether its passing the ball even though I could have taken the shot or letting someone else take the jump ball. I know that I don't really need PE so I try to make it the best experience for those who do I am playing basketball sometimes 7 days a week is great for me where as others only exercise in PE only have the social aspect in PE, so if I can make PE a better place for those people I have done my job! One of my most memorable classes was when I went with the day1 Band to Goldstone for buddies and they were playing lacrosse. Now one of the band buddies [I won't name who] wasn't really paying attention to their buddy and I could tell the buddie was kinda scared and frustrated. So I took it upon me to go over to this little buddie whom I had known from lunch monitoring back in Elementary, I asked them what was wrong and they told me they were scared of crowds which lacrosse can get crowded so thats why they weren't playing also that they didn't understand the game. So the inner coach in my came out and I started helping th buddie soon they were running trying to score and really getting the most of the lacrosse activity, and by the end the buddie was smiling, laughing and having fun! I got a big hug in the end too! One of my favorite things to do is to compete against my squad during fitness days, like lets see who can run the fastest or do the most sit ups we are constantly competing and pushing each other to be better and I couldn't ask for better friends. Since the beginning of PE 9 I can honestly say these 30 strrangers very few friendly faces people whom I had never known became my family, I know these kids always have my back and I theirs, we push each other to be better and I don't know what I am going to do without my PE 9 fam next year.

3) Healthy Living - You only live once, and this is the only body you get so I'm going to take care of mine! Especially with basketball, its just an extra addition to my own mental philosophies of taking care of my body.Now I have had numerous obstacles but I don't let them get in my way they motivate me and encourage me to look at things differently take a different approach and adapt. Like how I am constantly changing my workouts to fit the needs I have for my basketball skill set or changing my diet to include more iron rich foods, trying new recipes, making better choices when it comes to eating and working out. Now fitness scores I don't have too many but I feel the way I look after or during a workout, the workouts I do and the determination I have speaks for itself. I am so mentally focused and motivated I am working out 7 days a week, not days off eat, sleep, breathe, because you have to compete to win, and you have to show up to compete. No matter what day I am always altering my choices to make them more beneficial to me, and I have seen a major improvement in the little things that really matter. Now when it comes to injuries I have accepted the fact that those are a common part of being a baller, my coach has had 9 knee surgeries! So the best thing I can do when I'm injured is rest it, I am still most likely going to come back earlier than predicted because you can't afford to lose that week of training because everyone is that much ahead, when I'm not injured I am working on building up muscle to support any future injuries. Also with my injuries it has helped me become more intune with my body and its needs rather than just ignoring it, I am now getting to know when to push and when to stop. As you can clearly tell from my entire blog its basketball motivated, it reflects my lifestyle, and also gives a slight look into my motivation, my workouts, my diet. I do wish I had more time to really get into detail about these topics because they are something I believe in strongly but I normally run out of time! I am constantly trying to find ways to improve myself, and my game as well as educating myself on my body and what it needs like watching youtube videos or reading articles consulting my doctors and coaches.

4) Digital Portfolio and Reflective skills: I have been very consistent when it comes to blogging with 40 + blog although it seems very little I did focus more on quality over quantity, including huge updates together. I have not only reflected well on things done in class but also outside of class, as to what I am doing to improve with basketball. Since ball is life I have mainly focused on including all things ball, diet, workouts, achievements, motivation. I really put alot of time and effort in being thorough as well as making sure each post has purpose. Blogging this year has been so much fun and a unique way to really showcase my lifestyle. I have really enjoyed it although I do wish I had more time for it, the time I got was fun, inciteful and taught me alot about myself. I like to think bigger with things so digging deeper in my blog, and getting more out of lessons or experiences was fairly easy but a great way for me to reflect back on them. PE 9 has been a blast and as you will see from my blog I have a so much fun showcasing all the lessons I learned I can honestly say I am going to miss this so much!

So that is why in PE 9 I feel I deserve an A Work Habits: G

Heres is my High School Ball Squad

Here is one of my laptop wallpapers I created

Here are picture of my full highschool Ball squad

here is Club team Ball Squad

Squat Goals
Here is my current laptop wallpaper

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Buddies Final visit

So we had our last buddies trip, I have learned so much about what it take to teach a little human being who doesn't want to listen,has the energy of a 10 kids and the attention span of a goldfish. Buddies was so much fun, it taught me how to be more patient to adjust my learning abilities, to also appreciate how far I have come thinking back to when I was learning those skills.Having my buddy was a blast, I always left smiling with stories to tell my friends of funny things he said or did, how he always would tell me how much technology he has [the number would always increase] tell me about his parents and pokemon. The other part that was super cool for me was getting to visit my old elementary school having spent  years of my life there, it was hard to realize I used to fit in the tiny grade 2 desks and chairs! It also made me proud to have known that I was making a difference in someone else's life and I taught someone basic skills someone taught me. It also helped me learn how important it is to listen to others because it sure is hard trying to get a 8 year old boy to listen to instructions rather than talk about Pokemon or pay attention to Pallvi and I rather than watch his friend build a lego Captain America sheild! Having a little buddy was so much fun and an opportunity I would recomend to all my friends, it taught me how to teach others and learn from them too!

My Anemia

So anemia as common as it is, its not fun. Like everything its different for everyone, and it sucks! I have zero energy anymore, I am always tired and I can't play basketball right now because its not a smart idea to push it. This is so frustrating for me as I want to be able to practice 100%  as much as I don't like the beep test I would love to get to do that, but I can't because I have to be smart and respect my body enough to know not to be stupid when it comes to pushing through things. I have just gotten new iron pills so my body is still adjusting and things are just crazy! I mean as much as I am glad I can connect the dots as to the symptoms I was dealing with then and now, I am also worried as to why I have such low hemoglobin, and where my iron is going, they no longer think it has anything to do with "that time of the month" and so I have had to go for more tests. This all makes sense though because I have realized my fatigue and sometimes light headedness was all because of my anemia and I never realized that I just ignored it and kept focused on my goals.

Klay Thompson Plays Basketball with Strangers

This video is hilarious! I love it, GO Golden State, I hope they best the cavs, this reminds me of what I do with Carlo and Adam in PE  dunking on people!

Eron Harris and Aerial Powers Workout w/ Professional Basketball Trainer...

Here is a new basketball workout I cannot wait to try once I have more energy, This is my favorite womens basketball player in the NCAA Aerial Powers who plays for MSU my dream school. She is 6'1 and an amazing baller, and another one of my idols.

My workout routine

So recently I have had minimal energy to do things like workout or any physical activity but I still want to keep up with my physicality so I don't lose it and keep improving and developing. So every night here is what I always do:
48 reps lower ab touches [one touch both sides =1 rep]
30 reps bicycles ab kick things [1 left leg 1 right leg extension = 1 rep]
30 toe touches, on my back touching my toes at slight angle
15 push ups
60 mountain climbers [ 1 right leg in 1 left leg in= 1 rep]
Then a wall sit for 2 minutes while I brush my teeth.
So far this workout is really good in fulfilling my need to workout everyday, also sometimes when my parents are out I grab my basketball, watch some old recording of this past Womens BIG 10 tournament and workout on my ball handles.

My Diet

So here are some of the foods I have been enjoying recently, many are iron rich or benefit my anemia some how.

~Antioxidant Frozen berries mix because I love pomegranates and frozen cherries
~Spinach Salad with anything in my fridge [ex peppers,chicken,steak,onions, corn, zesty Italian dressing]
~Blue corn tortilla chips
~Shredded Wheat cereal with cinnamon and sugar [shredded wheat is good for iron]
~Spinach Smoothie
~For a slightly healthier desert treat Dark Chocolate covered pomegranates
~Natural Popcorn
~Cowboy Caviar [peppers,onion,bean,corn, vinegar sugar oil dressing ] super quick and healthy
~Frozen Watermelon
~Hamburgers [red meat good for iron]
~Water, Water Water
~16 whole grain bread
~Whole Grain Pasta
Those are just the basics, what I eat changes on the daily

My Favorite Smoothie

So since my iron episode I have been having my favorite iron smoothies in the morning to give me a little extra boost for the day here is the recipe

1 handful Spinach
1/2 an orange [peeled]
1/2 cup pineapple
1 tablespoon honey
1 cup water
Blend :)

This smoothie is super yummy and rich in iron plus the vitamin C helps the iron to absorb better! I absolutely love Green Smoothies, ally my friends are scared because smoothies "shouldn't be green" but I find I like the mix of sweet and tangy and you get more benefits!

Falling for Ball

So about 2 weeks ago now, I had a very scary incident at basketball, I had been off the week before because I was really sick and I was just feeling better. Then at practice we were standing around, I had just finished doing some drills and I started to feel light headed, I though nothing of it then my vision had started to blur and next thing I remember was waking up to two strange people standing over me, my coach on one side and no one else in the gym. I was lying on the floor and it turned out I had fainted. I was unconscious for 10+ minutes and I was getting checked over by firefighters and paramedics, I felt really bad because I lost the team close to 1 hour of practice time in the gym because of the whole thing.  I was allowed to go home or I could have gone to the ER but I wanted to go home. Then I had to go for blood work the next day, and once I got those results and I found out my hemoglobin was at a 12 instead of a 34-52. So then came the tests tests and more tests and we are currently trying to figure out where my iron is going. I have been taking my iron pills for almost 2 weeks now and still have seen no improvement, I know I probably won't see a difference until the 2 month mark :( So I took a week off of basketball so far and just started to get back into things even though I am really weak. Some side effects of my iron pills and anemia is that I get really bad blurred vision sometimes, really really bad headaches that sometimes last 2 days, and fatigue [I come home from school and crash normally until 7] I have also adjusted my diet to include more dark greens, lots of steak ,I always keep raisins in my bball bag now and I have been drinking lots of water like 1-2 more glasses then I was before for a total of about 6 glasses per day.I am hopeful I will get better and be able to make a faster recovery.


So over the course of my blog Beuf has asked me numerous questions which I going to answer in my blog today,

Q1: what have you been doing to keep the knee pain at bay?
I have basically been doing a mix of ibuprofen, building up muscle around the knee me favorite are wall sits, most of the time the inuprofen makes the pain a little more manageable and I am really focused when it comes to any activity I'm doing which keeps me distracted.

Q2:Who is jealous we have dance? friends in our school or the girls on the hoops teams? Why are they jealous? Why do you think so many schools hate dance week in PE?
Mainly my basketball teammates from my club team, we we're explains how much fun it is, that we have a competition at the end to see the better dances and I think other school hate dance week because a lot of the time it's teacher run, the dances aren't that fun and their classes have different ideas of what PE is about more skills based then trying your best.

Q3:Did you help your buddy out in any particular ways to understand the skill we were learning?
Throughout our entire buddies unit I was always trying to help my buddy understand things either through demonstration getting him involved and seeing how he could further imporve and lots of praise to try to develop a more positive vibe when learn PE skills 

Q4:Who is telling you what to do? How do you know what is healthy or needed by a basketball player?
So when it comes to my out of practise training it's all self taught I have research and tried different workouts as well as take inspiration from other workouts that I have done in the past or am doing current land create a full workout plan that is completely custom to me. As for knowing what is needed to be a successful basketball player I have again done lots of research watched numerous documentaries on some of the greats past and present watch interviews of my favorite players college, pros, men, women. I have been able to develop a good sense of what it takes as well as why my body needs to do and can do to get there. 

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Fatness Days

So we have been doing fitness more frequently because we go to see our buddies once a month and we have missed PE for quite a while, so the first fitness we did was the Partner runs while the other partner does the activity like plank or chair sit. My partner was Chris because we are quite similar when it comes to fitness. It was alot of fun I really wanted to push myself because as much as it hurts to be sore I love the feeling! I was sweating buckets because I challenged my self to stay consistent in my pace with running as well as doing the activities I pushed myself to get the most reps out of the time I had. My overall motivation for everything even just getting up in the morning is basketball. Todays fitness we did a bootcamp rotation which I actually enjoyed, I was dripping in sweat and got the most out of the 1 minute work time, my total score was 479.


So things have been CRAZY  with basketball I have been going to practises for 2 hours 2x per week and strength an conditioning at GAME READY fitness for 1 hour once a week, so far we have had 2 tournaments our first tournament which was last week the MSMN Spring Fling on the 25 and 26th of April, we played 4 games with only 4 practises together since we do have new people on the team, we won 2 games and lost 2, then we just had the SFU Burke tournament over the weekend and we won 3 out of our 4 games,
here are some pictures of my team

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Dance week

Before Easter break we had the notorious   Dance week, my favorite was Bhangra because the squats are fun, a lot of my friends are jealous that we have dance week at our school. And it's lots of fun afterwards when we compare routines with other blocks

Ball is love

So I haven't really posted much so far cause things have been CRAZY! So here's an update I hve already been through the 4 intense tryouts and I made the u15 athelite elite team. From tryouts we had a week of then got right into practices the first practise wasn't my greatest so I wasn't too proud of myself, we then have strength and conditioning on Wednesday and we did a bunch of fitness tests like t test vertical jump medicine ball toss and a lot more. My favorite test was the medicine ball and I threw the ball 15'9 feet! Then we had one more practise on Thursday and then spring league on Friday the weekend I went for some walks but nothing too intense because I have Been having some really bad growing pains. Now to this week we had practise on Tuesday that I did wayyyyy better in then strength and conditioning now onto full intensity workouts, I had to take an ice bath after it! And I'm kinda sore today, and then we have practise tonight so hopefully it goes good! Tomorrow I have apron league practise then 2 spring league games from 8 and 9 in coquitlam and then on Saturday morning I have an club season tournament at 11:15 Saturday morning in Seattle! We also play on Sunday and then we drive back!  So I will only have Monday off and then back go the grind 

Parent Midterm


1) Have you read your son/daughters blog? Yes I read it all the time.....
Was there anything that surprised you or stood out immediately? I dont think I realized how focused and driven Jessica is.
 What was your favourite part about reading his/her reflections? I like to see her perspective on things, .
What did you learn about your son/daughter that you didn't know before reading the blog?How committed she is to achieving her goals. 
What part of your child's growth/personality has been reaffirmed for you?How determined she is, even over coming her injuries Jessica doesn't let anything slow her down.
What is missing in the blog that you think s/he should include for the teacher or peers? Maybe more about her meal plans and food choices, Jess has worked really hard on changing her eating habits and improving her choices and is more aware of making healthier choices.
If you were evaluating him/her on his/her blogging efforts, what would you say? What would you give him/her out of 25? I would give Jess 23/25
How did you come up with that number? I think Jessica described things well, she set her goals out and also shared her activities too. I was impressed with her insight and her goals.


2) What do you notice about your child's health choices outside of school? Jessica makes healthy choices at home and also when we go out to eat, she is definitely more conscious about her food  choices and Jess has good discipline  to stay engaged with her Basketball both at home and school. She bought her own basketball hoop which she uses regularly and it was such a great choice to help her stay focused on her goals with practicing.
What activity and or diet choices does s/he make on their own? Jessica is very involved with basketball, she attends extra practices, she shoots hoops almost daily, Jessica also prepares alot of her own meals with very healthy choices, Jess has a lot of discipline both with her activities and her diet.
What exercise/eating choices are encouraged by the family/household? We as a family have all made better choices  in our meal planning and we try to eat healthier than we did. We also try to fit in more exercise 
 Did you see any evidence of this in his/her blog?  Yes Jessica shares her activity schedule and lists the activities she participates in.
 What is missing that should be included? What improvements do you think your child could/should make to further his/her understanding and participation in his/her own health? I think Jessica could include more information about her eating habits and also share how she is more aware of her choices and how she balances things in moderation..
What things can you as parent do to push this learning/practice? I think as parents we can set the examples and encourage our children to talk about their choices, their goals and plans to help achieve them. I think it is important to communicate our opinions too and to encourage moderation too and to keep things in check
If you were to evaluate your son/daughter on their progress towards personal healthy life choices what would you say? 23/25
What mark would you give them out of 25 for his/her efforts and demonstration of those efforts in the blog? 24/25
 How did you come up with that number?  I was really impressed with Jessica's blog,  I know she puts a lot of effort into it and she is has maintained her focus, her goals and stayed on track with her choices.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

March Buddies

So for this past buddies class we had a lot of fun! Since it was right after spring break we got to catch up with our buddies a bit, since Pallvi was still on vacation it was just me! Our buddie had counted all of his technology and found out he has 42 different tech related items, he said he had a lot of fun playing Pokemon games over spring break and has over 100 of them! Next we got into the fun stuff, we learned how to do a two foot jump stop and my buddie was so good at it! It was like he was a professional, and I could tell he had a lot of fun with it too! We also played octopus  tag, my buddie and I tagged a lot of people, we make a good team. It had taken my buddie 3 classes but he finally noticed that I was tall! I had a lot of fun this past buddies class, so that's all for now
Like my buddie says adios crocodile! 

Friday, 13 March 2015

Post Season/Pre Summer training

So basically ever since our school season ended, I have been exercising 6-7 days a week for our Spring/Summer Season with Athelite. Again my goal this year like last is to now make the U15 Elite team. So here is basically the rough gist of my workouts as of recently.
-Mondays and Tuesdays my dad is off work so we do a 3 hour training session, we go over to a local park and play basketball [shooting, ball handling, post moves, one on one] for a good 2 hours as well as do workout [bicep curls, squats,lunges, core] with this really cool band thing called the go fit. Then we play a good couple rounds of tennis for 30 minutes and then I take my dog for a 30 minute run. These days are my favorites because I get to spend time with my dad, I do my favorite things, and I have someone else to help me push myself.
-The rest of the days vary, I normally go weighted squats[20lbs or more], bicep curls [10lbs endurance- 20lbs strength buiding] lat pulls [50lbs 12 reps 3 sets] lots of core workouts as well as tricep, I like to go on youtube an try different workouts out each day. I also like to fit in 30 or more minutes of ball handling and shooting around.
-Diet, I continue to drink lots of water as well as I have improved my eating further [I will be doing the 1 week diet challenge after spring break] I absolutely love chicken, that is something I have eaten alot of as well as apples.
I am super excited about the summer season, I have seen my coaches around at games for the other players from my team!


So I haven't posted much about in school activities, and boy have we had fun. First thing I want to say is how amazing our class is, we have a diverse group of peers when it comes to physical standings and I love seeing the kids who normally don' excel in PE start to have fun and really enjoy it. Now another thing I have noticed is how extremely competitive we are, I mean all band kids are but we are extremely competitive! Dragon Tales is a super fun game, and I think it was most fun because everyone participated and it was a great learning experience for us to take a even further step into leadership like listening to each other and strategically thinking on the spot. This game has overall impacted our dynamic because there is some intense heat between us BBW and the other guys [Wildcats] Not only did we get intense during Dragon Tales but also the yoga mat memory game [My team the greens won!] but also when we got to do that boat race boy was that fun! I really enjoy PE with our class, we have so much fun together and cannot wait to play more games with them!
PS. To  the other band, you guys are going down when we verse you in Dragon Tales... :)

Thursday, 12 March 2015


So for the past 2 weeks we finally got to meet our buddies!For those of you who don't know our class got an amazing opportunity to go to a local elementary school and teach kids about physical education and how to love it at an early age.  So going into buddies my friend Pallvi and I got paired together to work with a really awesome kid, now there are some things you should first know about our buddy
1. He has over 100 pokemon cards!And he loves each and everyone of them especially Rishram.
2.Hey has alot of technology too, over 60 devices!
3. He said his favorite fruit was either sunkist [I think he meant oranges] or Gummy Bears
4. He is a little bit different from the other kids, and although he has a very short attention span like all kids do, if you met him you would just think he was a very awesome and energetic imaginative little boy!
5. He really enjoys jumping and holding our hands :)

So going into this experience I had no clue what to expect, I know Neuf had mentioned he really didn't like PE but from what I can tell he really likes it! I had lots of fun showing our buddie pictures of little Jessica as I had went to his elementary school since I was in grade 1, so it brought back lots of memories of dodgeball [not as much fun as high school], running club, cross country teams and much more! I am really excited to continue helping our buddie with his listening skills as well as PE skills and cannot wait to see what we get to do with him next time we see him!

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

My Pregame ritual : Highlights Sarah McKay 2011-12

Here is a video that I watch everyday before a game or practice. Its a video of my Club team coach and she is my inspiration and aspiration. This video always motivates me hypes me up and get me ready for a game


  During PE this year, how have you shown you are prepared and willing to participate 
in a variety of activities?  On what days have you participated to your best effort and 
why?  What days have been a struggle for you and why?

  PE has always been one of my favorite classes at school. I always come to class on time ready to go. Unfortunately I have had bad luck when it comes to injuries this year, but when I am able I fully participate and push myself.  Whether its fitness or choice days I always try to ensure I am sweating or red in the face, as well as I have realized how vital it is for me to fully participate as a leader in our block because it ensures overall success of our PE time. Fitness days are always the days in which I push myself further and if I'm not sore the next day I know I didn't work as hard as I could and I put in more effort next fitness. I don't really find I have days I struggle in PE, the hardest part of PE for me is when I have to sit out due to injuries. I always want to keep improving my physicality as well as motivate others when I am working hard. So like any good "team mate" I cheer on the others and just to see how much of an impact an positive comment like good job or nice work or keep pushing increases a persons drive and focus on the task, they run faster or squat farther and its so cool to see such an impact on my peers. 
How do you contribute to the overall success of the class?  What kind of attitude do 
you bring and why?  How do you interact with other students in our class?
    Like I had mentioned before I cheer on my peers whenever I'm on the sidelines or participating myself. As well as I help to support other leaders as well as coordinate with them on choice days to set up/organize activities . Whenever I come to PE I always bring a positive attitude and a smile, little things like that can easily change the course of someones day as well as make physical education a more enjoyable experience for them. I always have a focused full effort mindset when in PE because honestly its the class where you are more self reliant and your success is based on who you are and how you contribute. I always try to interact with new people but I do feel I could put more effort into it, I always make a point of going around asking how people are or talking to them about things we have in common or things I know that they are into. I always try to bring a fun friendly vibe into PE as I know with a more personal touch and knowing that someone cares is also really important. During choice days when given the team opportunity I gravitate towards my friends (Chris, Miguel, Earl) as well as I try to include new people, like for handball we invite grade 8s to join us or new people that look a little lost we try to include them.
Describe your participation during fitness days - have you been able to push yourself 
physically?  What types of fitness activities do you enjoy the most?  What fitness 
goals do you have for the rest of the year? 
   During fitness days I always push myself and even if I don't see the results I want or I'm not feeling it I push myself harder , so that I always leave with a red face, and am sweating by the time we finish. I personally really enjoy the exercise videos I feel that they are a fun unique way to get fit and its similar to what I do at home. For the rest of the year I really want to focus on improving my fitness further to getting back to my usual 10+ on the beep test, because I am not that happy with my past fitness scores. I mean its pretty decent for a person that has had the injuries I have, but I am always looking to do better and to improve further. 
What does "leadership" mean to you?  Who are the best leaders in our class - why?

     Leadership to me means alot of things one of which is a person who is constant, a person who is always putting a 100% in, always smiling and motivating others. A person who listens to their peers and takes critical advice and takes something from it to improve. A person who can stand up and take charge and still be influenced by the ideas of others. Personally I find Pallvi, is a great leader and one of the most prominent from our class, we coordinate to organize choice activities, and she is always positive and caring. Adam and Carlo are surprising leaders as well they include a lot of the younger more unknown peers and always make activities fun. Plus Carlo brings extra clothes. Also I am also a leader from our class not to be biased or anything, I always contribute whether its getting everyone's attention, helping to set up or organizing teams. Motivating others and challenging them as well as my self to further grow and improve. 
What improvements would you like to make in PE by the end of the year?  What are 
you the most proud of so far?

   Rebuilding strength in my ankle and knees, getting my fitness level to be higher than last years. I want to be an even better leader and keep pushing myself to see how far I can grow. Honestly I am most proud of the growth that I have made, I have been more vocal in motivating others I push myself further every class, and challenge and push my peers as well. Whether its having a competition  as to who can jump higher, or run faster. 

Overall I feel I deserve an A as given by the content of my blog posts and my positive presence in our PE block. 

Let's chat

So for the past little while things have been crazy and still are crazy but here's an update as well as a plan for the upcoming semester. So basketball has been going on for 5-6 days a week and on my off days I have been working out in my gym we have in my basement. I have been doing some bicep workouts as well as some cardio on the stationary bike I have been planning to do a post dedicated to my healthy eating as well as healthier alternatives to a lot of unhealthier options. So stay tuned for that... 

Sunday, 18 January 2015


So I have been really busy and haven't had much time to post, so here is an update. Lets start off with winter break, so during the break I exercised as much as I could and I think I got in a solid 5-7 days of workouts [see my personalized workout post] I was in Seattle for a couple days... Then back into school, so we had a basketball home game against Elgin Park, and I was on the top of my game, I scored 4 out of the 9 points we had and we were winning and then I went to go and get my own rebound landed on a girls foot and got a second degree inversion ankle sprain. So I went to physio and have been following r.i.c.e and although its going to take time to heal time that I don't have after giving it a weeks rest I am heading back into practices and will be back to playing. I have been working on my upper body strength, and have improved immensely.