1) Have you read your son/daughters blog? Yes I read it all the time.....
Was there anything that surprised you or stood out immediately? I dont think I realized how focused and driven Jessica is.
What was your favourite part about reading his/her reflections? I like to see her perspective on things, .
What did you learn about your son/daughter that you didn't know before reading the blog?How committed she is to achieving her goals.
What part of your child's growth/personality has been reaffirmed for you?How determined she is, even over coming her injuries Jessica doesn't let anything slow her down.
What is missing in the blog that you think s/he should include for the teacher or peers? Maybe more about her meal plans and food choices, Jess has worked really hard on changing her eating habits and improving her choices and is more aware of making healthier choices.
If you were evaluating him/her on his/her blogging efforts, what would you say? What would you give him/her out of 25? I would give Jess 23/25
How did you come up with that number? I think Jessica described things well, she set her goals out and also shared her activities too. I was impressed with her insight and her goals.
2) What do you notice about your child's health choices outside of school? Jessica makes healthy choices at home and also when we go out to eat, she is definitely more conscious about her food choices and Jess has good discipline to stay engaged with her Basketball both at home and school. She bought her own basketball hoop which she uses regularly and it was such a great choice to help her stay focused on her goals with practicing.
2) What do you notice about your child's health choices outside of school? Jessica makes healthy choices at home and also when we go out to eat, she is definitely more conscious about her food choices and Jess has good discipline to stay engaged with her Basketball both at home and school. She bought her own basketball hoop which she uses regularly and it was such a great choice to help her stay focused on her goals with practicing.
What activity and or diet choices does s/he make on their own? Jessica is very involved with basketball, she attends extra practices, she shoots hoops almost daily, Jessica also prepares alot of her own meals with very healthy choices, Jess has a lot of discipline both with her activities and her diet.
What exercise/eating choices are encouraged by the family/household? We as a family have all made better choices in our meal planning and we try to eat healthier than we did. We also try to fit in more exercise
Did you see any evidence of this in his/her blog? Yes Jessica shares her activity schedule and lists the activities she participates in.
What is missing that should be included? What improvements do you think your child could/should make to further his/her understanding and participation in his/her own health? I think Jessica could include more information about her eating habits and also share how she is more aware of her choices and how she balances things in moderation..
What things can you as parent do to push this learning/practice? I think as parents we can set the examples and encourage our children to talk about their choices, their goals and plans to help achieve them. I think it is important to communicate our opinions too and to encourage moderation too and to keep things in check
If you were to evaluate your son/daughter on their progress towards personal healthy life choices what would you say? 23/25
What mark would you give them out of 25 for his/her efforts and demonstration of those efforts in the blog? 24/25
How did you come up with that number? I was really impressed with Jessica's blog, I know she puts a lot of effort into it and she is has maintained her focus, her goals and stayed on track with her choices.
Thank you for this post! I think we see many of the same things. I appreciate you mentioning to renewed focus on diet in her life. Diet awareness (but not "dieting") is important for all of us but especially for athletes who demand so much more of their bodies. One of my favourite things about Jess in class is the way she includes others and let's minor issues flow off her back. I have seen her on many occasions have something happen that isn't what she wanted but she never seems to be the one to get mad. She let's accidental bumps and bossy peers fade quickly and stays focused on the the task/class. I appreciate that about her.